Wednesday, May 4, 2011

32 week update

According to the web, my baby probably weighs in at 3 1/2 pounds and I should be gaining about a pound a week. If only I had the Biggest Loser scale to 'beepbeepbeep' my weigh-ins each Friday... Often, about an hour after a meal, I'll state that I am hungry again... which is up from my usual 3 hour mark. My baby will gain a third of her weight in the next 7 weeks. Pass the burgers, please.
  • Heartburn: if the myth were true that heartburn indicates lots of hair, then Ari should have had an afro and this baby will be Rapunzel. My heartburn is nearly unbearable and lasts all day. I loathe it.
  • Movement: Baby H2 moves a lot! She's had the hiccups recently too which makes me laugh. She kicks, squirms and practices her gymnastics most of the day and especially before bedtime.
  • Tailbone pain: not as bad as a few weeks ago; yoga and stretching has helped
  • Sleeping: as long as I fall asleep before Dan, who snores like a bear in hibernation, I am golden. Unless there is the threat of tornadoes or the baby birds in the dryer are chirping, I sleep fairly well. And pregnancy dreams are freaking me out. Jeesh. I also take a nap almost everyday; thankful to Dan for working so hard that I can be home most of the week to nap and care for Ari.
  • Cravings: salt and vinegar chips (specifically: Kettle brand), ice cold water; lemonade, raspberries, (seeing a trend in sour-ish things), red meat, spicy habanero wraps from TJ's filled with spinach and tuna (I hear Rebecca gagging), and an occasional chocolate.
We are really excited and are talking over baby names almost daily. We cannot agree on one but have some close calls; we'll probably wait until we see her face to face before we finalize it; its more meaningful for us that way.

And a post wouldn't be worth it if there wasn't a picture of Ari Taylor (in one of my favorite outfits):


Anonymous said...

Yes, tuna...barf. I totally believe you must fall asleep before Dan's snoring. Wow, that's some noisy sleeping.
Also, your baby bump is very cute.


Anonymous said...

Love your shape, or baby bump as Bex calls it. Ari is as cute from behind as befront! :) We did not name our Jenny until she was born. We didn't know which name to choose. But when we saw her, it was Jenny. That's cool. Only 52 more days....WOW!