Friday, May 20, 2011

Plecia nearctica (the Love Bug)

This past week, Ari and I took a mini mini vacay to Florida to see her cousin Ella, Aunt Shell and of course, Grammy and Grandpa!
The beach is gorgeous 99% of the time in this town. There are cold days and hot days but really, the waves and the blue green water fills me with such joy and peace. This May however, was the 1% disgusting time to go to the beach. Literally, it made me gag.

What you see here in PILES for MILES are DEAD LOVEBUGS. In this wikipedia article, it states that love bugs are not a favorable food for insectavores, therefore, their abundance. Their presence was a black snowfall that smelled horrendous.
If you're back from vomiting, here are some much better pictures from the week:

Windy sunset on the beach with my Aricakes.

Walking with Grandpa and Grammy.

Ari was super brave in the swimming pool! Brave meaning: has no depth perception! We tried to teach her to sit on the edge but she would just walk right in. So cute!

Early morning bird feeding with Grandpa. Ari talked so much about birds, bugs and babies and even learned some new words including 'tomorrow' which sounds like 'rowrow'.

Baby Ella caused quite a stir for Miss Ari. There were moments of jealousy but overall, Ari kissed and loved on Ella's head and repeated "Baby" a lot during the week. She was cute.

Thanks Mom and Dad for hosting me and Raschelle and our babies (and my crazy appetite). I appreciate the plane tickets and the mini vacation before our chaotic summer!


Anonymous said...

guess what? love bugs all gone. beach is gorgeous today...thanks for sharing your life and your children with us...we love ya...bug

Anonymous said...

You could have just shown pictures of kids...!!! I love the one of you and your sister and Ella. Ari seems so much fun. Cute, Cute age. I love it when they say new words.