Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Memorable

Grammy and Grandpa....So fun!!

Unkie Dan teaching Zach a little bit about being an Eagle Scout...and how to forage the woods and jump a creek.

Mom and Dad even found time to do some smoooching in the woods!!

Pretty Sisters (or hot mamas, you pick)

Daddy and his new grandbaby....At the Bonfire that Dan made in our backyard. It was so fun to sit around and have smores...even if the bugs were a little pesky...

My favorite part of the whole weekend...Zach climbing on my lap to talk to me after dinner...It was so cute!!  (By the way, he is so smart, talking in complete sentences, repeating anything you say and learning new names, things and memories, Rebecca and Todd have done a fabulous job raising him intelligent).

I cant get enough photos of this cute cute kid...

And Allie makes two... Look at her and her gorgeous lips and reflective eyes...A perfect combination of Rebecca and Todd.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Last photos of Wedding...

The girls!

Mrs Mahan made this gorgeous tiered red velvet and lemon cake.  So talented!


Former roommates :(
The new roommates!

Mahan Matrimony

The dancing flower faerie
(reminder, Bonnie was a dance major at IU and therefore, has very many dancing friends)

The walk down the aisle with daddy Tom.

Pretty Bouquet!

Tim's shoes!

Looking at the crowd!

Wedding Weekend Festivities Part Dos

We took Bonnie to the prayer deck...aka make-out spot at TU...for a special showering of gifts.

At the wedding, there was frolicking in the field and here were some supplies...bubbles, blankets and kites!

The 'valley' where the ceremony was held...

The Historic Honeywell House.

The little boy that looked like an old man...So cute!

Wedding Weekend Festivities

I traveled to Upland this weekend and visited TU for some memories...  

This is the new prayer chapel made in memory of the accident...It was a beautiful creation of memory and of community.

Part of the prayer chapel

Jill, Marcia, Brittany and I hanging out after the rehearsal dinner!  

Janie Kesler's gorgeous table layout the morning of Bonnie's wedding. It was a gorgeous home and she was gracious to us as we stayed there...  She has such a pretty garden that there were fresh flowers everywhere!

Bonnie, Brin, Me, Bonnie, Marcia and...shooot I forgot her name.  I am terrible with names.