Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Haller Happenings

With school ending this week and a 5-month old rolling around, we've been busy beavers! We have had visitors and tons of fun, not to mention a giant amount of squash, peas, beans and zucchini in the garden to harvest (and eat!). Here are some snapshots of our active lives.

Lots of smooching to remember what brought us together in the first place ;) (Ari is a little embarrassed!)

Lots of lovin'. After the Hallers, Aunt Shell came to visit! She made Ari laugh and sleep and bought her some super stylin' clothes. Thanks!

And of course, lots of sleeping and eating.
Ari is so beautiful when she is asleep. Her skin is so soft and smooth and her little lips are so pretty. I know ALL moms feel this way: all the world's problems are forgotten when you watch your babies sleep.


Barb said...

Wonderful! And soon, you'll all be enjoying cool nights, campfires, bike rides, and ice cream in northern Michigan with us!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Shell looks like she had as much fun as Little Ari....who enjoyed who more?

The Hallers said...

the picture of the three of you is sweet :) and the picture of Aunt Shell is really cute too!

-d said...

What priceless pictures. Ari is angelic.