Friday, February 17, 2012

Theme Change?

Lest you think the only two people in the house are Ari and Ashlyn, look, a FAMILY photo!! I was reading old blog (BC: before children) posts and laughed at how much Dan and I posted pictures of ourselves... in a non-selfish way. Blogs allow for that anyway, it is a selfish endeavor to begin with. Hey world, check ME out! Ha... what is wrong with our culture? Anyway, I laugh and digress. I know you guys read to check out our two girls and maybe you care how Dan and I are. I dont know...

We dont take many family photos because they'll turn out like this:
(please zoom in and check out the faces)
The truth is, we do spend time together. Like 6-7 hours of sleep every night. That counts as quality time right? *wink*
Tuesday nights are date night and this week (which happened to be Valentine's-Hallmark-created-fake-comparison-guilt-ridden-Day) we decided to have a 'Teach Your Spouse Something' date night. I taught Dan how to make homemade ravioli, separate eggs for a chocolate pavlova and a few other cooking things...while he explained what a Portfolio is and how as an Advisor, he would sell mutual funds, bonds and the risk/benefits of them for a specific client. We both seemed interested in each other's topics (maybe it was the wine) and had a good time!

Dan's job is going REALLY well. He's working so hard and its paying off. We're staying on task and keeping things as organized as possible. The potential in this job for future success is encouraging and we're very grateful that Dan gets to spend at least one and sometimes all 3 meals with us!

We understand that our marriage is important to have as a priority and we're working on it. Marriage has been a 'job' from the beginning. One must invest time and energy every single day in order for it to last and work. It has not even been 5 years yet and we've gone through a whole lot! We still like each other.

These two are the main focus these days! How can they not be?


The Hallers said...

Your love is very encouraging, in your marriage and parenting! We are only beggining to learn how to balance being parents AND our marriage. Love you guys! Cuute pics too :)

Katy said...

Love the family pics! Can sympathize about how hard it is to get one! I admire the teamwork in your marriage. It's encouraging to see another couple prioritize both their children and their marriage.
Ps having kids is good for you both. You look great!

Barb said...

Great post. It does take intentionality and work to keep the love alive while raising small children, so bravo! LOVE the 'oops' family photo. hahahahaaaa!

The Myricks said...

You my friend are far from selfish and ate doing a splendid job in the balancing act! and your kiddos are sweet proof!

Anonymous said...

Who are the two adults in the post again? Ha

Five years? Wow, where did they go?

The "oops" photo is hilarious, and the last one of the two "stars" of your posts, it's a cutie too. I love spontaneous pix like that. No posed love between them for sure.

Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

All the love shows in all of you! You have done well in five years, very well. Praise God for all of it, especially His gift of love and His gift of two precious little girls. I want a copy of the last picture.