Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Past 48 Hours...

...Have been a bit EXCITING!!!

Nope, it wasn't my annihilation of Mitch and Dan in a game of Gin on Thursday night. Or the amazing fajitas I made for dinner... or even the fact that Ari has said more words this week than I can begin to document.

Friday, June 24th, in the early morning around 3:30, I went into labor!! We would, later that afternoon, meet this gorgeous girl:
Ashlyn Claire Haller
born at 3:48pm
7 pounds 10 ounces
21 inches long
sweet as can be.

Labor was hard work. But WE did it. Dan was an amazing coach and I could NOT have done it without him.

We birthed at a birth center in South Carolina that is run by midwives. It was an amazing experience that I'll share with you if you're interested! Here's a glimpse of the end result:

Ari met Ashlyn that evening after spending the day with Grandpa playing and reading books. Unbeknownst to her, she gained a sister that afternoon! Here's a video of their introduction:

We came home that evening (I know, shocking!) and slept fairly well. Ashlyn is adorable and calm thus far and her little wrinkly toes and long fingers are super cute!! AND, she has a head full of dark, soft straight hair! [My horrendous heartburn was worth it, I suppose]. She looks more like a DeGeyter than Ari did; that's for sure.

Thanks for everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement. We appreciate your love and support. Come visit and meet our new family of FOUR!


Barb said...

Wow, amazing photos. The one of you and Dan is intense and beautiful. Proud of you for pursuing a natural labor and birth. Hard, hard work! Beautiful family.

The Myricks said...

Awesome awesome. So thrilled for you four!!

Katy said...

Woohoo for natural childbirth! Definitely hard work, but well worth it, isn't it?! She is quite lovely just like her sister and mama:)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of you and Dan...says a lot, even not seeing your face. Bless you both for your love and devotion to one another and your girls. I'd love for you to share the experience with me, when I'm able to come see my new "great" grand daughter. Love you all..and Ashlyn CLAIRE is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The most amazing part of the whole childbirth, besides the obvious healthy baby, was that fact that Jenny was home with Ashlyn Claire exactly 4 hours after delivery. Utterly amazing (no pun intended)!

Abby Byrum said...

congrats haller family. i am in tears over your video! can't wait to come snuggle some newborn Ashlyn! Please let me know if I can do anything!

Anonymous said...

Dan, that pic of you actually made me shed a tear, and that doesn't happen very often. Proud of you too, even if you didn't do a lot of the heavy lifting.

lauren said...

We cannot wait to come meet her! And love the video of Ari giving sweet baby sister a kiss. Precious!