Friday, July 16, 2010

Michigan Part 2: Gooooood Times

I had good intentions of making this a 4 part post but, we had some other visitors and have been a little busy. Michigan was a blast and we made some good memories.

There was lots of loving...
Thanks to Baba for taking care of all of us and feeding the army!

There was sight-seeing and disciplining ;)

There was lots of lots of photographing... thanks Aunt Katie, We're glad we got a good one of you and Ari.

Uncle Dave has some sweet sunglasses!

This is how the photograph session went down: goofy, goofy, quality, goofy, silly, sad, closed eyes, and finally, a great pic!

Michigan water is not as warm as one might expect but Jill and I did it! We tubed and it was hilarious!

Dan and I both finished lots of reading.

There was of course, brotherly horseplay.... er, chicken playing on this upside-down kayak.

Lest you think it was all fun and games, we did have a few moments of this:

Photos not listed: lots of ice-cream eating, fire having, scrabble playing, rock painting, disc golfing, lighthouse seeing, kayaking, laughing and napping. All in all, a great trip and wonderful time with the Haller clan. The cabin is a lovely place.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh gosh, I missed this post for a whole day! Good pics, good memories, and a thankful Baba that you so bravely made such a long trip!