Thursday, July 1, 2010

6 months: Wait, WHAT??


Seriously, it cant be true...

Ari is 6 months old today!
Current stats
Height: 26 inches
Weight: 15.4 pounds
Milestones: rolling over (from back to tummy), laughing, nursing and eating 1 solid meal per day (so far: bananas, rice cereal and avocado), holding herself up on her own (not for long periods of time yet), sleeping two long naps during the day, recognizing and reaching for Dan or Jenny, holding and passing things from one hand to another, watching tv or reading a book (short attention but great concentration), chewing on anything, holding herself up on elbows, scooting around on her tummy, pulling herself up while someone holds her hands.


The Myricks said...

and one of the most animated cuties ever!!! love her expressions! so so cute!

Anonymous said...

impossible...please give her reverse steroids to stop the growth....ha

Barb said...

Yeah, where did the first 6 months go?? How precious it's been to get to know Ari better this week!

Anonymous said...

I know the word "adorable" gets old....but she is adorable. Love the pictures. Can't wait to see see her and you and Dan.