Friday, May 7, 2010

4 Month Stats

Height: 25 inches (75% percentile)
Weight: 13 pounds (25-50% percentile)
Head circumference: 16 1/4 inches (50-75% percentile)

Milestones: Standing well when held up (see above picture), sucking fingers, able to grasp something in front of face, laughing, smiling often, sleeping through the night (at least one 6 hour stretch usually followed by a 2+ morning nap), rolled over twice, teething (evidence by grumpiness and thumb sucking), sitting up in a seat or on lap, following objects with eyes, coos and talks during music playing or talking to Dan or me.

Likes: holding ears, holding hands together (we call it praying), sitting in the bumbo chair, bath time, being cuddled, having bare feet played with, watching Bauer, playing in exersaucer thingy, riding in my moby wrap (which we need pictures of...) and certainly being talked to and played with!
Dislikes: tummy time, being sleepy, teething...

Here's a video of her laughing!


Barb said...

Darling! Thank you, God, for our sweet, healthy, loved Ari!

Barb said...

p.s. And her 2 fabulous parents!

The Myricks said...

love love love love love

Claire said...

Getting big tooooooo fast. So sweet because she has such good parents.

Karen Dawkins said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jenny! Ari is blessed :)