Sunday, February 22, 2009


(Dan's been a while!)  Well, new changes have come to our life.  The first is minor, as you can see below...I got new glasses.  After 30 minutes of indecisiveness, I finally settled on some black Ray Bans.  They are different than before, but I like them and Jenny approved too.  It should be interesting to hear my students' comments Monday!

The second and more significant change is that we got a dog!  Our friends Crystal and Lee love dogs and are very experienced with them.  A few weeks ago, a stray dog wandered to their house and warmed up to them quickly.  They took him to the vet, who determined that he is a mix between a pit bull and most likely a Weimaraner or a Lab.  Since they already have 3 dogs, they couldn't keep him.  They were going to give him to the humane society, but they would have had to put him to sleep since he is part pit and his head is too big in proportion to his body.  Last Sunday, we were at their house for a party and fell in love with him.  He was abused and a stray, so it was easier to make the decision to adopt him.  He was fixed last Thursday, and we got him Friday night.  We named him Bauer, after our favorite TV character, Jack Bauer of 24.  
After picking up all of the usual dog supplies at the pet store, he came home with us for his first night.  He is doing exceptionally well, as he has slept 2 nights without making a peep!  He's getting used to life in his new home and we're happy for the addition to our family!  He is very peaceful and energetic and loves to lick us!  He's also "clingy" to us but is also very obedient and listens to our commands.

Here are some pictures of Bauer, and a video below.

P.S.  Happy birthday to father and father-in-law Mitch and sister and sister-in-law Katie, who both share a February 20th birthday!  We love and miss you both!


Anonymous said...

Dan - You look more mature with those glasses. ("Older" seems like a harsh word...but something like that.) I'm sure your kids will have some funny comments!

Anonymous said...

nyes ... glasses...very different and very hip!

Bauer is a very lucky dog! Hope his good behavior continues!

Anonymous said...

Now Dan is the one with the glasses, right? Not the one on the video....

The Myricks said...

love the new glasses!!!! and of course, love the new dog! they bring so much joy!!

Anonymous said...

Much too long between blogs. We were wondering what was going on at the Haller abode. Please ensure no longer than one week passes between blog entries.

The School Board Commmissioner

Anonymous said...

It looked like to me that Bauer was trying to get you to let him out! I hope he didn't do it on the floor.