Thursday, March 12, 2009

The more things change...the more they stay the same.

Well, Monday of last week, we woke up to at least 4 inches of snow on the ground. Dan's school was cancelled and my work was delayed. We had pancakes and coffee and then played in the woods with Bauer.  It was a fantastic snowed-in day, finished with soup and a movie. The snow was gorgeous and sorta fun for the first week of March.  We werent too upset!  

The next day/night, Tuesday, was freeeeeeezing. Literally 16 at night and barely 30 during the day. So, we were prepared for icy conditions. Little did we know that by Thursday, we'd be in the 50's and by Friday, I'd be flip flops and with the windows down.  Then, Saturday rolls around and we went hiking with Mark and Jill... in the 80 degree heat, we were sweating and sunburned by that night! It was difficult to believe that only 5 days prior, we were snowed in.  Global warming...pigs fly.

Here are our wonderful guests, Mark and Jill! They bring such romantic feelings back because they're engaged and all cute and stuff!  They're still nice to each other. Dan and I need more of that! :):)

So, heres a family photo and we're not sure why Bauer's tongue is out so far, it was only 1.7 miles up to this peak! Wimpy dog!


Anonymous said...

are you sure Bauer is real? In the snow pic, he looks like a stuffed dog! tee hee.

Jenny Haller said...

You're right, he does looked stuffed... Ha :)

Anonymous said...

I like the family photo....I see a lot of Dan in Bauer....

Katie said...

16 during the night!? That's nothing! We had a windchill of -25 during J-term and still had to walk to class. I never knew nose hairs could freeze.

I love your new glasses, Dan! What a cute family! :)

Anonymous said...

ya know that is a pretty cool picture of the three of you.....and katie, "nose hairs" yeeeeuck.....
