Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

Very large walrus at my favorite show at Sea World!!! So cute and furry and large! 

We had lunch at a restaurant called Shark and the entire west wall was an aquarium... kinda creepy but way coool!   (yes, that is a shark above our heads!)

Here is Zachary holding a lizard!  He's so brave, all the girls squealed when the lizard jumped out of his hands!  

After returning home to Charlotte and redecorating, organizing and doing 18 loads of laundry, I uploaded my pictures and realized that I did not take that all. I have a few excuses:
1. There were at least 2 cameras sitting out at once and I figured someone else would take a photo if something came about. 2. I took a few on my moms camera thinking it was mine. 3. Zachary was enamored by the males who doted him and therefore, minimally attended to my yearnings to giggle with him (not mad, I understood!) 4. The camera we brought to Sea World did not have a charged battery most of the day except for a few seconds at each show.  5. I was not feeling well a few times and lost my artistic ability to photograph.  6.  My Camera does not do well with pictures at night/inside without lighting so, my Christmas Eve pictures were only so so.  7. Beach football is always the best time to take pictures and since I was all-starring it in the sand, I didnt have 'time' to take pictures.  (Note: all-starring it is an exaggeration...Dan and I could not WALK the day or two after because we were so sore!). 8. Allie is so cute and I couldnt resist kissing her and missed out on pictures.  

Christmas in Florida is always nice. Good food, great weather, good people and laughter...with two kids around, the presents part was WAY different but this new stage of life for my parents is phenomenal and I see the joy in their faces!!!  

Our mexican fiesta of foooood (post destruction of cousins/uncles/aunts/etcccc).

All the cousins in the family.  Raschelle, Allie, Emily, Me, Eric, Zach, Kylie, Rebecca, Brandon, Leah, Heidi and Landon!  Phew. That was funny!
Eric!!! Seriously, this was a great picture!  

Zachary giving me the model look, my editing above and the original (with Dads fav red hat!) below.



The Myricks said...

love all your pics...shutterfly them!

Anonymous said...

I love the walrus at Sea World too. SO big!! I can't believe that picture is my sweet little Zachary. He looks so grown up. He IS beautiful though - wow!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Fun times! Florida's the place to be in winter. Sorry, Buckeyes!