Thursday, August 16, 2012

Catch UP

I know, I know, I'm behind in posting.  Here are the next scheduled posts:
1. Ashlyn's 13 mo/Ash walking (below)
2. Haller Visit
3. Dan and I go camping
4. Cousins and Aunts visit
5. Cute Everyday photos of the girls

Pass the coffee, I'll try my best to catch up. If not, You'll live :):)

Ashlyn Claire 13 Months Old

 Ash started walking a week after the 13 month mark a little but but at 13.5, she's walking all over the place!! She is soo sweet and funny. Ashlyn is very calm and just watches everybody do their stuff. She still gets a tad opinionated when she's hungry but again, who doesn't?  She uses some words and communicates what she wants by using sign language or some more primal grunts.  Speaking of primal, she eats a lot of meat and pretty much anything except broccoli.

 We weaned the first week in August and she is sleeping from 7:30-6:30/7 so that is FANTASTIC for me after not getting 365 nights of full sleep.  I'm grateful.  They are sharing a room now too which is fun when they get up in the morning. I love hearing their laughs.

 She smiles and makes funny faces, says "HI" and waves, claps and all dances with some serious fervor and shoulder shake!  Her and Ari play pretty well together but as most siblings, they have their sharing moments. Ashlyn is a tad more violent than Ari and will haul off and slap her. Phew. We're working on patience (a constant battle for all 4 of us)

We barely remember what life was like without Ashlyn and are grateful for the fun and cuteness she brings into our life (those curls!)


The Myricks said...

pretty sure that last picture is my all time fav! so glad i got to experience her little life last week! love her!

Anonymous said...

She really is such a cutie!! Love her little self. And that is the best pregnancy picture of me ever. Thank you, very much. (LOL!)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Adorable! Cute as a button!

Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more with those comments, and your words, especially about her (and you, i think) being opinionated when hungry.