Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ashlyn 11 Months: Swimsuit Edition

 11 Months

Oh Ashlyn, only one month left as our 'baby'.  This year has flown by with impeccable speed.  You are so grown up! Already saying words and using a few signs for things. Already bucking, kicking, fighting, hitting and launching yourself in rebellion. Already asking for things and getting what you want with determination and spunk.  You are so darn cute. You love to cuddle and kiss. You loooove to follow Ari around. Ari thinks it is to annoy her but I think you look up to and want to play with your big sis.

You love: playing peek a boo, waving, clapping, dancing, singing, crawling, standing, eating pretty much anything. You climb on everything and usually, launch yourself off as a way to get down which causes me alarm but you shake it off and get back up.  You are more of a doer than Ari was. Your attention is spread out and all over the place. You don't really like to sit still and read or play. You prefer to be crawling than being held, unless you're tired then you love to cuddle and rub cheeks or give kisses.  (being mom, I loooove this special time before naps).  You bounce, jump, throw amazingly straight and consistent (Baller). You make a lot of noise as you blow raspberries, sing, talk, hum, flick your fingers on your lips and squeal. You are extremely ticklish and I take advantage of this often as I love to hear your uncontrolled laughter.

You have two large bottom teeth, two left and two more on the right coming in up top.  (Dan and I are reading a book about Sitting Bull and General Custer and we decided to choose Native American names for ourselves. Ashlyn, you have two: Squawking Bird and Snaggle Tooth).

Ashlyn, you say "Hi Dad" and "HI!" (followed by a beauty queen wave), you also say "Dog", "Ball" "Ash" and a sweet sound for "Ari".  Your other sounds are not so sweet as you still scream and squawk for food, drink or to be held.  "The Library Voice" rule does not apply to you nor do you care what it means.  You are not walking or even interested in taking any steps but you'll climb and pull yourself up on anything. You are very mobile and very fast. You put everything into your mouth. Literally everything. Leaves, mulch, sand, bubbles, stickers, marbles, pennies... you know, everything you shouldn't. Thankfully, I've been able to remove any poop from your grasp though you've come fairly close.

You are super friendly and smiley which is wonderful. You're pretty easy going and enjoy car rides and strolls around the neighborhood.  You don't like the sun which kinda makes me laugh (see squinty face above).  You are full of personality and we love you so much.  You're a sweet one and your smile is so rewarding, addicting and makes up for all the sleepless nights we've had for 11 months.  We'll be sad when the next month rolls around.

(all inquiries for this bathing suit model please leave your email in the comments section; we're already on deck for the 2013 Sports Illustrated).


Anonymous said...

I love her teeth and those rolls! CUTIE!!


Barb said...

Haha, great and clever and creative post! I laughed when I saw the title, "swimsuit edition." Ash is a trip; you've described her well!

The Myricks said...

no way? already 11 months. love her cutie patootie rolls!

The Myricks said...

no way? already 11 months. love her cutie patootie rolls!

Anonymous said...

Funniest Blog Headliner yet...

Anonymous said...

Hope someday she is able to read all these wonderful things you say about her. I really love reading them. It helps me know her even tho I don't see her often! Love all her "rolls"! Teeth! Smiles! Even her squaks!