Friday, October 1, 2010

9 months

Ari is 9 months today! She is moving quick, standing up, eating big and smiling bigger. She is such joy to everyone as she smiles and laughs at most anything. Dan and I are so blessed to have a well-tempered, loving baby.

9 month milestones:
-At least 19 pounds
-Very tall (will know next week at doc appt)
-Waves hello and goodbye
-Says 'mama' and 'dadda' often and 'mummumm' when it's time to eat
-Blows bubbles and raspberries
-Crawls everywhere
-Pulls up on furniture and toys
-Plays with non-baby items all the time
-Sleeps 9-11 hours every night with 2 naps mid-morning and afternoon
-Eats all sorts of vegetables and fruits and loves homemade yogurt
-Picks up peas, lentils, beans and rice with hands and feeds herself
-Laughs and squeals at Bauer and frequently takes his bone from him
-Loves to 'read' books
-Does NOT sit still when being changed
-Has two sharp teeth
-Fits in 6-9 month clothing, but also some 9-12 month size things
-Talks and babbles a lot
-Giggles and plays 'chase' on the floor
-Plays hide-and-go-seek
-Doesn't like shoes or socks or hats or headbands
-Has a few more hairs on her head!
-Reaches for Dad and Me and other people
-Opens cupboards, drawers and climbs into everything


Anonymous said...

She is SO CUTE!!!


The Myricks said...

ok seriously, could she be any more cute! holy cow shes adorable!

Anonymous said...

is there a cuter child on the planet? i doubt it. even bauer thinks so...

Anonymous said...

She IS getting more hair. She is SO-SO-SO cute, adorable and pretty. Such a happy child too. You two are blessed, but having you two as parents makes her what she is. So there! I love the pictures.

Barb said...

Feeding self, standing, crawling ... whoa, all is happening way fast! I'm getting the car now to come down there!

The pic w/ the brown hat is super adorable.

Nice photog skills, Jenny!

Happy 9 months, Ari !!

Karen Dawkins said...

Whew!!! Busy girl. Busy mama!!! Very cute :)

Dave Haller said...

Love it. What a ham!

-d said...

The elation on her face in that first picture is priceless!