Monday, September 9, 2013

Daily Routine

I am a routine lady. I like lists, post-it-notes, calendars, schedules and watches.  When I traveled in Kenya, they nicknamed me the Swahili word for clock: kuangalia.  I was the only person on my team who wore a watch! And then, I married Dan, who is notoriously late or tardy or in a rush... but THAT patience is a story for another post.

There are 12 or so waking hours here. I have to DO something with our time. School, library, outside play, inside play, food prep etc...I'm a planner, type A, whatever you call it. It makes me feel like myself to be this way; I don't thrive in chaos. I can't go to the store without a list. I get giddy about planners and calendars and magic erase boards.  I like to plan a week in advance what we eat. I'm not a 'fly by the seat of our pants' gal. So each day or week, I write out what we'll do and try to stick to it. I dont feel guilty if we don't, I just try harder the next day. Sometimes I only get the laundry put away. Sometimes I have to wait until 8pm to sweep or do other chores. If you'd like to read a blogger who said it better than I can. read this post.  I'll quote my favorite section:

"People love to tell new moms to slow down, to soak up those fleeting moments that don't last. This is great advice, and it's true. But after a few children, I've found that I can't follow it to the letter. When I let go of my busybody personality, I lose a little bit of my identity. When I can't check things off of my to-do list, I grow resentful towards the thing (or tiny baby) keeping me from the other things in my life and family and home."

Because I like a check list and a sense of 'accomplishment', I started the girls on a school schedule.  I plan to homeschool for a bit and also plan to put them in school too eventually. Maybe a co-op, maybe a shared school program, maybe something completely different. For now, we have school time, in their room, following a Letter of the Week curriculum and my modifications.  If we don't have school time and we just play inside or watch shows, I feel lost and the day seems to go on way longer than necessary. 

So, we head upstairs after breakfast and work on letters, counting, shapes, colors, writing, coloring, memorizing things (Pledge, Fruits of the Spirit, Lord's prayer, Bible Verses, The Constitution, etc ;) )
You know what? they LOVE it. Ari especially. She begs for 'more school time' and I try to find something fun for them to do over and over.  She's improved in listening and in writing and counting skills since we started 4 weeks ago. It is amazing, how quickly she learns!

And here's Noah along for the ride, sucking his thumb constantly!


Barb said...

Fabulous post, Jenny! I wish you'd lived next door when I was a young mom. Oh wait, then you couldn't have married Dan. Haha. Well, you're doing a great job, being structured and organized, but also going with the flow when needed. You bless me and I know you bless your three little ones!

Anonymous said...

Good stuff!!