Friday, July 5, 2013

Hilton Head 2013

 June was an eventful month and we've got a lot to catch up on. Our Edward Jones regional meeting was in Hilton Head again and we drove down there Thursday the 21st. We played in the ocean, the pool, had meetings and ate really good food. The best part? My parents came to help out with the three kids and the girls weren't bored with me and a nursing newborn. (Thanks Mom and Dad! We had a great time!)  Tied for first in the 'best thing about vacation' is that I dont have to clean or cook for anyone.  Bliss.  

 Dan played hard with the girls and worked hard as he had daily meetings etc.  It was fun to be around the people we've known now for a year but I still sorta felt like the new kids... and not just because we had the newest baby of the whole group.  I'm looking forward to the years to come with the same people and letting the girls (& Noah now too, I forget him sometimes!) grow up with the memories of always going together.    

 Our family pic at one of the beach side dinners. 

Of the big events of the weekend is the fancy awards banquet. I won't go into too many details and rehash the tears but lets just say these aren't our original outfits :)  
What matters is that we were able to attend the event and Dan won his first award of his career!  Hooray. The Ted Jones Prospecting Award. Basically he worked his tail off to meet a ton of people his first year! Noah went with us this year and slept thru the dinner. He was proud of his dad!

 We celebrated Ashlyn's 2nd birthday the Sunday before we came back.  She's a whole other post that I'll do soon too. 


The Myricks said...

That first picture of your girls is a fav! And you look amazing as usual. Proud of ya Dan!!

The Hallers said...

Super fun! I also LOVE that first pic!
and may I add, you rocked those '2nd pick' outfits!! Ow Ow!
...but I understand your pain when something happens to the one that was planned.
Congrats Dan!

Barb said...

Great; so glad it was fun and congrats Dan! No cleaning or cooking ... Fireside Inn would be a good option! 😃