Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 Pirate Arrrghhhi and Dino Ashlyn for the Holy Ghost-wienie-roast at our Church. Jk, they don't call it that but it was a Fall Festival outreach. Fun for the girls to eat their first cotton candy and play on bounce houses.

Even Dan was able to have a turn at the bounce house! 

In between our church's halloween event and actual Halloween, we had two sweet sweet visitors: Aunt Jill and baby Lily. She is a at a sweet baby age and tried her best to catch all the action that Ari and Ashlyn gave her but we ended up wearing her out! Thankfully, no damage was done to their home during the hurricane so Lily was able to be home for her first halloween.

The night of Halloween was predicted to be a tad chilly. So we had to modify our costumes a tad to make sure the girls weren't cold.  Ashlyn doesn't love that Dino hat so I put a jersey and a hat on over her fleece jammies!  She's crying because I made her sit down and take a picture instead of letting her get into the stroller! Ha, sweet opinionated one...

Ari talked about being a pirate for two weeks but then fate struck against me and she would NOT stop talking about being a princess. So, we compromised and she was a pirate Saturday and a Princess Wednesday.  I found an inexpensive Rapunzel pajama dress that she wore with pride for two days and even during naps.  She was very proud... and I was too. She was sweet.

They figured it out rather quickly and were eager to knock on the doors for free candy. Ari kept forgetting to say "Trick or Treat" and when we would remind her, "Ari, what do you say?" She would answer "Please!" Such a practical girl. She didn't love some of the teenagers' scary costumes and was hesitant at some of the homes.  I feel the same way, no need to be scared.  We saw some friends and they had a really good time going together. She's already talking about what she wants to be next year.


Anonymous said...

Fun times. Are you sure Ashlyn wasn't crying cuz you forced her into an ND outfit?

Barb said...

Fun post! Thanks for sharing.