Monday, January 2, 2012

Ari turns 2!

Our Ari Taylor turned two yesterday! We can't believe how quickly time has flown since that cold December night when she wanted to wait till 2010 to be born (while at the same time, prolonging our tax incentive an extra year). We have had hearts full of love ever since. We celebrate her two years every single day when we laugh at her personality, are amazed by her intelligence and are shocked at her ability to disobey! (ha, in all fairness though, she's very well-behaved).

ELMO CAKE was the motto of the weekend. As most toddlers her age, she absolutely adores that furry red monster with a positive attitude and sweet voice. Ari overheard me mention to Aunt Bex that I wanted to make her an Elmo cake and she's been asking for one ever since! I delivered... with some trepidation for my cooking/cake decorating skills.

For her birthday dinner, I made cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries. Ari's favorites (and some other goodies for the adults). Thank you to Grammy Claire for making her birthday Tutu!

Ari was in love with all the attention and was a pickle at the dinner table, making us all laugh out loud at her sayings and excitement with the people. She had a great birthday and we thank all those who made it and we missed all those who couldn't. Ari is well-loved and we are well-blessed!!

More pics/stats to come!


Katy said...

She sure is cute! Don't worry about her being 2... it is really a fun age -challenging- but fun!

The Myricks said...

im so sad we werent there :( but, she looks like she had a blast, and you did a fabulous job!

Anonymous said...

You sure she's only 2? Her facial expressions are so adult-like.

Anonymous said...

She can't be two yet. But if she has to be then she sure is a cute, adorbale two. You can do it Jen!

Anonymous said...

lovely her little pu--y is ready for play, I love them that age you can molest her all you want and she can't tell