Monday, October 24, 2011

4 Months!!

Watchout: an overload of pictures here!
Ashlyn Claire is 4 months old! So stinkin' adorable and full of cuteness.

She weighs in at 14 pounds and is eating like a champ [still]. She is not sleeping as well as her sister but those late night snacky snacks are worth it for a little smile in the morning! Ari and Ashlyn are adorable together. My day is complete if I can get both of them laughing at each other at the same time. Sometimes, all it takes is for Ari to come sit on my lap while I am holding Ashlyn and they just giggle. I am really blessed by these two sweet girls in my life.

Current loves: rolling over, chewing on her hands/fingers/thumbs/toys, watching Ari, standing/sitting in the exersaucer thingy, her new car seat, being held by mom or dad, walking around facing out, smiling, when I 'play' the piano with her hands and Ari laughs, being tickled on her chunky thighs!
Current dislikes: burping, being cold, being on her tummy (yet she's rolling over a lot...), being buckled in the car seat, being away from mom
She sleeps from 8pm-1:30/2am and then from 2-6am and then has an early morning nap. She takes two great naps in the afternoon so I can't complain. I just need to get them on a somewhat similar schedule so that I can get stuff done/nap/exercise/eat/cook... HA! Juggling!

Milestones: grabbing a toy in front of her, holding a toy to chew on, rolling over from her back to her belly over and over again, 'talking' to herself in a mirror and babbling to Ari or me, dexterity to use her hands, making tons of eye contact and smiling, facial recognition to me, Dan and Ari, holding head up really well while on her tummy, 'standing' with assistance (just showing strength in legs), sits in the bumbo seat and has great head control.

She's growing up WAY too fast!!


Barb said...

Your photos say it all. Ashlyn is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That third pic is darling. Like she knows something that we don't.

The Myricks said...

Omgoodness. She is absolutely adorable! Such a cute little personality!

Anonymous said...

I like the third picture too. Says so many things. She is a lovely little girl and a preciious little soul! Great family you have Jen!

The Myricks said...

i keep coming back to look at these pictures! shes just so full of spunk!!!!