Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ari Talking

Here is a short video of Ari talking/reading a book. Yes I took the video at a stop light. Yes, I shouldn't have. I was completely stopped until the last 10 seconds of the video and neither of our lives were in danger.

Ari says: dog, kitty-cat, cow, and fish.

It is a super cute video regardless of how it was acquired.



Barb said...

What a cute little chatterbox!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure she was speaking in tongues. Little Pentecostal?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Dad, you are so crazy.

Ari is so cute. I LOVE hearing her say "kee-kat"...You are doing a great job teaching her how to speak. Good for you.


lauren said...

Adorable...but was laughing out loud when the car started moving while you were still taping. loved it!