I'm not going to repeat myself about how quickly time is flying. It just is and I'm not ready for it. However, I am ready for FALL! Cooler temperatures, College football, cooking warm foods, camping out around the fire... can't wait!
8 Month Milestones.
- Ari is crawling (mostly backwards)
- Stands up with us holding her hands and even takes a few 'steps' with our assistance.
- Eats all sorts of vegetables and fruits
- Puts cheerio-like puffs in her own mouth and chews
- Rolls all over the house
- Says mamamaama and dadddadada but not towards anyone (no favorites here)
- Sleeps 2 naps a day and 7-8 hours at night.
- Still nurses 4-6 times a day
- Communicates what she wants without words (with certain squeals, grunts, motions and hand-signals)
- Drinks from a sippy cup (with assistance)
- Gets excited when Dan or I walk into a room: flaps arms and legs
- Reaches for Dan and me to be picked up.
- Voices her anger and frustration at not being able to do something or when you take something away from her.
- Is still very observant and watchful of everyone.
- Loves playing on the floor and in her jonnie-jumper.
- Plays in the bathtub until the water gets cold.
Happy 8 months Ari! Only a few more to go :(
Time is racing! Ari will soon be a year and we'll say HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY all at once! Happy 8 months, sweetie!
I love it that you post her monthly progress and pictures. Doesn't seem possible she's 8 months already. Such a sweetie for sure!
Showed all the girls at work the first picture....shes now famous at my work! love them!
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