Friday, April 30, 2010

The new act of Juggling...

A few years ago, the juggling that I did was 17 hours of college, three social and leadership clubs, a steady boyfriend [namely, Dan], intramural sports, my health and wellness, church, missions, family and some other stuff... like, keeping up with politics [namely, my major!].

Currently, I juggle something much more precious and life-giving, a 13 pound joy that smiles every single time I see her... even if she's crying for hunger or sleep. I juggle a home to clean, a business plan to start and launch (coming soon, pray hard), a church to love and volunteer work to do, a husband who needs care and encouragement, groceries and food preparation, a garden to watch over and tend to, a family to support and talk to, friends with jobs and normal lives and of course, find time for sleep, exercise and stress-management.

Today, I attempted to juggle a squirming baby, my laptop and a full piping hot mug of coffee up the stairs when interrupted by a big, manly, Mitch-SNEEZE.


Let's just say I sacrificed the coffee not the child...


Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't end your sneeze with the word Mitch usually uses...

Cute picture of sweet little girl.


Barb said...

I'm not sure anyone knows what serious juggling is until they become a mom! I remember baking a birthday cake once while holding a child on one hip.

Jenny, you're amazing! Doing a great job, and recognizing what's most important!

love ya.

The Myricks said...

love that picture of her! soo cute! sorry you spilled your coffee. thankful ari stayed in your arms! like barb says....youre rockin it as a mama. keep up that hard work, it always pays off!!!!