Saturday, September 22, 2007

Other Sights at the Festival

Dan and I loved this home in a quaint little neighborhood with old homes, huge trees and lots of gardens. We dreamed together of the day when we can buy a home and plant a garden, not to mention decorate, read and not have to go to a laundromat!!

A photo taken in front of a field of wildflowers, a willow tree, a fountain and the pond. It was a pretty day and we had fun!

Being that Lowe's Motor Speed-way is right around the corner from us, the area attracts fans of many kinds, including this Tony Stewart female...we like to call it, "Charlotte's Finest). And yes, this is a permed mullet (just an FYI)

This is a photo of us kissing (at least, its our shadow!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the Tony Stewart fan is lost from Pasco county! ha.
