Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Early last week, we went as a family to the farm up the road (where we get our pumpkins) to retrieve our Christmas tree. Temperatures have been in the upper 50's or 60's for the past two weeks and it feels almost sacrilege for me to get a Christmas tree in this warm weather.

But we did it anyway and brought home a skinny yet tall guy. Ari kept calling it a treat (and not because I bribed her with a treat if she would stop breaking the ornaments)! She didn't really understand what was going on but we decorated and hung the lights. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... at least inside. Outside, rain is currently pummeling our house as wind blows furiously the leaves off the trees.

We tried getting some cute shots of the girls with the lights but they were too giggly to be cooperative. Ashlyn was trying to eat them (While plugged in) and Ari kept looking at them crossed-eyed. Dan and I cannot stop laughing at this picture below:

Here's our little Ashlyn Claire, sitting by the decorated tree! Yah for first AND second Christmases!!


Barb said...

What sweet fun! I am laughing too! When Dan was Ari's age, we put the tree in a playpen. 0-:

Dave Haller said...

That pic of Ari with the light is the new wallpaper on my phone!

Anonymous said...

1)What's with the random Amish buggy at Christmas tree farms?!! There was one at ours too!
2)That pic of Ari and the light...WOW, super cute!! She's really trying to figure it out!
3)Love those girls :)


The Myricks said...

Lol ari is like little einstine! Love the idea with the lites! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just wish you could pick little Dan's (I mean Ari) brain to see what she was thinking as she stares into those bulbs?

Anonymous said...

Jenny...can you tell how many people have actually clicked on that pic of Ari? I find myself going to it about every few hours just to get a good chuckle...a Chuck Swindoll type laugh...from the gut.

Karen Dawkins said...

I love the picture of the girls together. So cute!