Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Past 48 Hours...

...Have been a bit EXCITING!!!

Nope, it wasn't my annihilation of Mitch and Dan in a game of Gin on Thursday night. Or the amazing fajitas I made for dinner... or even the fact that Ari has said more words this week than I can begin to document.

Friday, June 24th, in the early morning around 3:30, I went into labor!! We would, later that afternoon, meet this gorgeous girl:
Ashlyn Claire Haller
born at 3:48pm
7 pounds 10 ounces
21 inches long
sweet as can be.

Labor was hard work. But WE did it. Dan was an amazing coach and I could NOT have done it without him.

We birthed at a birth center in South Carolina that is run by midwives. It was an amazing experience that I'll share with you if you're interested! Here's a glimpse of the end result:

Ari met Ashlyn that evening after spending the day with Grandpa playing and reading books. Unbeknownst to her, she gained a sister that afternoon! Here's a video of their introduction:

We came home that evening (I know, shocking!) and slept fairly well. Ashlyn is adorable and calm thus far and her little wrinkly toes and long fingers are super cute!! AND, she has a head full of dark, soft straight hair! [My horrendous heartburn was worth it, I suppose]. She looks more like a DeGeyter than Ari did; that's for sure.

Thanks for everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement. We appreciate your love and support. Come visit and meet our new family of FOUR!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oh, Ari...

Ari is a character. Here she is in 2 videos, the first one eating corn on the cob for the 1st time (and bonking heads with Grampa), and in the second video she's in the pool. Ari has been very brave in the pool lately. She walks all over the kiddy pool and also enjoys (trying) to be independent in the adult pool. She started being brave by sitting down in the water until it got to her mouth, at which point she popped up. Funny to watch. Enjoy! (be sure to watch in 720p HD for better quality!)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

happy fathers day

Happy Father's Day to some of the BEST dads I know!!

Dan, amazing father and husband. Hardest working that I know and so loving. Thank you!

Dad/Mitch you are generous, kind and so fun! Thanks for adventures and crazy-funny times... Oh, and for being so competitive!

Dad/Bill thanks for being so wise and passionate about living life and for being a great role model for Dan to be a great dad! Enjoy your new role as Popsy!!

Love to all the dads out there too: Todd and Ryan: you guys are pretty awesome too!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cleaned the Camera Out!

In order to pack my bags for the birth center, I had to clear my camera and charge the battery... so I found some pics I wanted to share with ya'll and here they are: a random collection yes but Ari is in them and she's cute!

Me at 38 1/2 weeks (this morning). Phew! I've felt much better this pregnancy until now... but I'm trying not to complain, it IS less than two weeks.

Ari playing with the hose and a brown piece of chalk (no, not a cigar).

Runny nose but still able to help me pick weeds and flowers out of the garden. She'll sniff it and carry it around all afternoon; so cute!

Even with a runny nose, she's pretty content and adorable!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Schools OUT for the Summer (insert tunes here)... Dan's in Ohio at a wedding and yep, I'm still
pregnant... But, ready for Baby H2. Bag packed, tiny diapers purchased, a little nook in our room for her 'stuff', take home outfit picked out... the only thing we need is a NAME! (no Mitch, Gertrude is not an option anymore).

(excuse the poor quality of photo, it was taken on my phone)

We had/have a late spring cold. Our noses were stuffed and runny at the same time; we coughed and snuggled and watched Finding Nemo a few times. "Just keep swimming; just keep swimming...."
Our last day with Aunt Jennifer as our Monday babysitter is tomorrow. We will be very very sad to not have her and I KNOW Ari will miss her. I'm sure the feeling is mutual, Jennifer is such a good friend, helpful, loving and kind (and she loves to grow her own food too!) We'll miss her!

Another Jennifer, who is very very pregnant (due in 6 days) and I went out for breakfast with Ari and when we went to leave, my van was gone! Towed. Something tells me if those guys knew two very pregnant women and a baby were just enjoying some eggs and potatoes before the heat wave of noon came, they wouldn't have towed my van. I felt very discriminated against (though they're just 'doing their job') because I have a car seat and everything in there. Ugh. Annoying. Thankfully, Jennifer's husband was home (and their infant car seat made-do for the short 4 mile hike to the above compound). Yes, that is our blue minivan being guarded by an evil fence and dog photo (dogs unseen/unheard).
Dont know if you recall but Dan's car was STOLEN while I was in the hospital at 36 weeks pregnant with Ari. Ridiculous. What is it about full-term pregnancy car issues?

House update (no photo here): we had an offer, we made a counter offer and she accepted. As of right now, we are in a due diligence period until July 6th. During this time, surveyors are coming, inspections are being done and our house is technically still for sale; but our realtor has confidence that this buyer WILL workout and we will close on July 20th. Busy, busy summer ahead!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

17 Months

Ari Taylor @ 17 Months Old

Such a pretty girl who is very affectionate and loving, sweet spirited and intelligent. Sure, she shares her opinion on occasion and shouts her needs a little loud but she has such a wonderful temperament thus far in life!

She is growing too fast and learning so many words and actions on a daily basis; its hard to record all the words she says and how well she listens to our commands and how she communicates what she wants (via signage and words). My favorites recently are: turtle which sounds like 'toetoe', nose, nuzzle, night-night, water, bear, lion and flower (followed by a sniff or two to smell).
She eats well still and loves to help out in the kitchen. Her favorite foods recently have been toast, strawberries and raspberries, eggs, pancakes (who doesn't love pancakes?), oat muffins and black beans.
Still loves to sit and look at books and be read to from her plethora of picture and word books. She likes to play in the pool, on the porch, in the garden and in the bathtub. She loves Elmo "Melmo" and likes to watch Sesame street while I make dinner.
We are still using cloth diapers and since she hasn't figured out how to climb out of the crib, she's still in one! She likes to have her teeth brushed and hands washed (OCD tendencies from me and Dan...) She loves giving kisses and blowing them at strangers and people she meets. She still struggles with going to the nursery but they tell me she does fine after I leave.

Can't wait for her to meet her 'sister' which she now says and points to my belly (and on occasion, kisses it).