Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ashlyn @ 6 months

Update: I originally posted this post on her 6 month birthday but I wanted to finish writing about the things she's doing and eating but I went to Ohio and got lost in the crazy shuffle of Christmas. Updates are below.
Well, out little chunky monkey is 6 months old! Half a year? 'Oh-my-gooohness' (As Ari says). She is such a happy girl. Her schedule is not consistent but she usually takes two big naps and one short one at dinner time. She still wakes up 2 or 3 times in the night and we're beginning to feed her solid foods and hopefully, that will help her feel more full and sleep a few extra hours! Ashlyn's eyes might stay blue or green! I'll love it either way but I am biased for loving my green eyes. She weighs around 16 0r so pounds but we'll have more updated stats soon at her 6 month check up. The weight doesn't matter, check out those rolls!

Ashlyn is always smiling, mostly all day long. She rolls all over the house and thats her quickest way to escape or chase Ari's play. She is starting to use her consonant sounds like dada-dadda and making all sorts of noise when someone is talking to her. Ashlyn has the grab dexterity down pat and is frequently grabbing food off my plate and straws from my cups. She has such interest in food that we've begun to feed her a few things here and there: bananas, sweet potatoes, rice, avocados. She is flexible thus far. I'm fairly certain she'll pop a tooth out soon like Ari did at around 7 months. She has been gumming things and rubbing her tongue along her gums. So sweet!

Ari wanted to assist in the photo session and this is where she thought the 6-month card would look best. So funny!


Anonymous said...

Ashlyn sure is unhappy....NOT! Cute to see Ari trying to help with the signage too.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is the prettiest picture ever (the first pic on this post)...her eyes are beautiful!!! What a doll!


The Myricks said...

Such a lovie! Wanna snuggle with her!

Barb said...

How did I miss this post?? Um ... busy Chrismtas! Ashlyn is one big smile ... what a sweetie!