Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

 Phew. I can't believe I haven't posted in a month.  Woops. I blame Apple. My computer's internal battery broke and I wasn't about to visit the Apple store a week before Christmas. Then we were out of town having fun in the sun with the DeGeyter/Satterlee clan. Such fun. 

 The kiddos (minus Baby Laine and the two in utero!) Somebody said they got one of them all looking... but I haven't seen it yet!

 Christmas morning was fun. Dan and I slept outside for the night because there was no room in the Inn. We had a tent and an air mattress! No children woke us up super early... but they were ready to go. After two pots of coffee for all the adults, we had a chaotic present time. It was Ari's first time with the older cousins to have a FREE for all opening time. Whoa, there was a lot of noise and confusion!

 We looked at the clock and it was only 9 something when we were finished! So, we played with all our new toys and spent time cuddling baby Laine. 

 We played football on the beach and let the kids play in the waves again. They loved it and it wore them out for naps and bedtime!

 Christmas in Florida is nice! Its a change, that's for sure but being able to swim and play outside is refreshing.  The girls cooperated well and were not sick this year (hooray!).  We received many wonderful gifts and had a great time with family. 
We made a trip to the other coast to visit my Aunt and Uncle and all my cousins (minus Eric and his three). Despite of the drive, we had a good time and Ari gained an [obnoxious but lovely] princess castle to bring home.  It was fun to all get together and catch up. 

Next up, Ari's THIRD (whaaat?!) birthday!


Anonymous said...

Great post. Lots of activity. And Ari is 3????!!!! It can't be true.

The Myricks said...

that pictures of ashlyn and laine is so adorable! laines expression is priceless! love every minute together!

Barb said...

Beautiful pics! One of Rebecca and Zach so sweet.