Monday, August 20, 2012

Terrific Times

Top 10 Terrific Things about the Haller Visit

10. Pool time with the girls out back
9. Hilarious game-time; specifically "Wouldn't it be..... Cool? Fun?" 
8. Company to watch the amazing Olympics with
7. Good food, especially Mexican (and wine!)
6. Many hands make light work (b/c we still have no functioning dishwasher)
5. Lots of reading, playing, Ash walking and coloring.
4. Better babysitters while I had to work!
3. An extra car for Dan to drive around in and work extra for us.
2. An-UNDER-TWO-HOUR trip to Ikea!! 
1. Of course, no Haller get-together without it: Popcorn, lots and lots of popcorn.

Thanks for coming! You too, Katie!  

1 comment:

Barb said...

The pleasure, the laughs, the sweet girls, the good food, the humiliation of "wouldn't it be..." and yes, exhaustion at times were all ours! Thanks!