Thursday, April 12, 2012


We traveled to Florida for a short vacation at the DeGeyter's house! Sun and swimming wore us out (yet Ashlyn still managed to wake up at 4:56 am every single morning).

Ashlyn is such a fiesty little one right now. Extremely opinionated and very irritable (due to teething). Whenever she would crawl to the sand, she would immediately put a fistful in her mouth. When I would tell her 'no, mam' and put her back on a blanket, a temper would follow and she would buck, kick and squeal. Phew, 10 months and defiant already? I'm saying some prayers. ;)

Lots of sweet wagon rides. (Ari looks really ticked off but she is really sweet to Ashlyn and randomly hugs her unprompted!)

Raschelle, Ryan and sweet sweet Ella came too! So fun to watch the little girls play together. Ari did her tackle-hug a few times and poor Ella took the beatings.

Sweet Ari on Easter morning.

Grammy with her three youngest grand-girls! (We definitely felt the absence of Allie, Zac, Aunt Bex and Uncle Todd). Great Grammy Claire came too!!

We went to the beach a few times but it was a bit windy and one day, even chilly! The water was gorgeous and wild and I loved how excited Ari got to go to the ocean.

Great memories and fun times!! Thanks Mom for all the hospitality, help and food and Dad for the flights (which deserve its own post: flying with two babies, alone b/c Dan came home early. What a feat!)


Katy said...

You need to do the post about flying with two! I'll be flying back from my cousin's wedding in CA by myself in August. Baby 2 is due the first week of July and the wedding is aug 4.... I think I'm nuts;)

The Myricks said...

Loved spending time with you guys!

Barb said...

Fun! Love the pic of Dan in the waves with Ari. Glad you could get away. And now you're a stronger mom for having flown with two! (-:

Anonymous said...

Adored every minute with you all. Fun, beautiful, sweet girls. It was a great Easter with everyone.

Anonymous said...

Where are Ashlyn's feet in the last picture? And remember, when flying with toddlers/infants under the age of 2, make sure you bring an entire roll of duct tape. Works every time.